Volunteer opportunities
Celebrating 25 years is a big undertaking. We are looking for volunteers to partner with us to help bring our interactive greenhouse to life. There will be a wide variety of jobs to be done whether you are able to help us carry bins of supplies, you have an artistic eye to imagine a space, you can sit and organize merchandise, or all of the above. We need a crew of volunteers to make this happen. Sign-up is coming soon.
Can you bring your small group or work team? Email Katee at katee@hopestreetministry.org!
1. Event Prep
2. Event Organization and Final Prep
3. Event Set Up: Wednesday, October 16th
4. Day-of event help: October 17th
5. Specific Need: trailer & transport
*Volunteers will receive a discounted $75 Ticket for the evening + 2 complementary daytime tickets.
3. event set up: October 16th
We will be meeting down at Baird Center early and working till the interactive greenhouse is ready for guests to enjoy. We need your energy, willingness to do whatever is needed and a smiling face to keep us going all day. Stop by for a couple hours, half the day or even the whole day to bring the interactive greenhouse to life. Helping with this set-up will for sure be amazing as things move into place and the experience is all together.
4. Day of event help: October 17th
Are you planning to attend part or all of the Family Reunion? Can you come a little early or start after? We are are looking for warm people to serve on our hospitality team to ensure our guests experiencing the interactive greenhouse know where to go, have smooth check-in and are greeted with many smiles.
5. specific need: trailer & transport
Bring your own vehicle and trailer for us to use. We are in need of trailers or large vehicles for two different time frames.
October 15 and 16 Tuesday Oct. 15 Load at Hope Street (time can be flexible during the day) AND be at Baird Center by 8am Wednesday Oct. 16 for unload.
October 17 and 18th Thursday Oct 17 load up from the Baird Center in the evening 8pm - 11pm AND Friday Oct. 18 (time can be flexible during the day) to unload at Hope Street during the day Friday.
*You must be available to drive your own vehicle during the specified times and you will take your loaded vehicle or trailer home with you and bring it back to the specified location.